Candle Pattern Detector

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Candle Pattern Detector

Candle Pattern Detector

30 $

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* This MQL5 indicator allows users to rent or purchase the product. Users can choose between activating a subscription for a specific period (monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually) or purchasing the product for permanent use.

* This indicator recognizes candlestick patterns that can be identified by the human eye; however, there is no built-in indicator to detect them in MetaTrader. The Candlestick Pattern indicator for MT5 can detect many one-, two-, and three-candle candlestick patterns.


Activation and Symbol Settings

Panel Settings

Pattern Detection Options

Individual Pattern Selection

Notification Options

Panel Information : 
The Indicator displays an information panel on the chart providing details such as:
-Account balance,
-equity, profit,
-free margin,
-margin level.
-Open trade percentage
-total open lot size.


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