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Name : RSI -FRACTEL Signals

Type : Indicator

Description :

The indicator integrates the RSI indicator with the Fractal and Zigzag indicators. It then changes the color of the candles based on whether the trend is upward or downward. Additionally, it draws support and resistance lines for supply and demand areas based on the inputs.

Input Parameters

General Settings

pairs: Currency pairs to analyze (e.g., "EURUSDm-EURJPYm").
TFs: Time frames to consider (e.g., "M1-M5-M15").
update_seconds: Update interval in seconds.
corner: Corner of the chart for the indicator panel (e.g., CORNER_RIGHT_LOWER).

RSI Settings
rsi_period: RSI calculation period (e.g., 14).
rsi_price: Price type for RSI (e.g., PRICE_CLOSE).
rsi_high_level: High RSI level for alerts (e.g., 60).
rsi_low_level: Low RSI level for alerts (e.g., 40).

Rectangle Settings

RSI Colored Candle Settings
period: RSI period.
ApplyTo: Price type for RSI.
Level: Alert level for RSI (e.g., 50).
Enable_Alert: Enable/disable alerts (true/false).

RSI Panel : 
The indicator features a panel that displays details and coordinates of the RSI indicator, including trend analysis (upward or downward) based on the number of currencies specified in the inputs. It also incorporates multiple time frames based on the inputs, and then shows the buy or sell strength percentage. The panel colors the box based on the signal received.

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