Close BY Ticket

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Close BY Ticket

Close BY Ticket

20 $

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Close BY Ticket Expert Advisor Overview: Provide an overview of the Expert Advisor, emphasizing its functionality to close orders based on specific ticket numbers.
Activation Process: Provide a detailed walk-through of how users can activate their license after purchase. Include any required information or credentials. 
User ConfigurationInput Parameters: Explain each input parameter in detail, including info1: Prompt for entering an order ticket number.
OrderTicketToFollow: A comma-separated list of order tickets to monitor.
CloseOrders: Option to close orders based on specified tickets.
DeleteOrders: Option to delete orders based on specified tickets.
showPanel: Option to display the information panel.
Include a panel to show account information: Account BalanceAccount EquityAccount ProfitAccount Free MarginAccount Margin LevelAccount total open positions lot size

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