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STO -Signal Indicator It is the combination of two indicators. In general, the stochastic indicator relies on certain levels to establish oversold and overbought points based on levels provided by the inputs and then searches for the intersection of the two lines and shades the junction, whether in buying or selling. The second indication is a control interface that integrates It is possible to switch between more than one pair in the same window, as well as between all frames, and there is a display of the strength of buying or selling through colours, such as the green colour in its degrees indicates the strength of selling, while the yellow colour expresses a transition between buying and selling, and the red colour in its degrees indicates selling on. All of the frames to choose if you want to enter a long-term or short-term buying contract, and to enter correctly. This panel is also concealable. Another panel on the top right displays account information such as balance, margin, spread, and so on.

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