Sessions Time Selector

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Sessions Time Selector

Sessions Time Selector

5/month. $

Rent price Plan

1 Monthly 5$
2 3 Months 13.5$ save 10% when use this plan
3 6 months 25.5$ save 15% when use this plan
4 12 months 48$ save 20% when use this plan

Product Rate


Name: Sessions Time Selector

Type: Indicator

Platform: MT4

This is a MetaTrader 4 indicator  for managing trading sessions, visualizing session periods, and displaying price data and information about Forex sessions (Asia, Europe, and USA).

1. Input Parameters:
code (string): The user's custom code for integration (default: "Add your code").
NumberOfDays (int): The number of days to display on the chart (default: 8).
AsiaBegin (string): The starting time of the Asia session (default: "01:00").
AsiaEnd (string): The ending time of the Asia session (default: "10:00").
AsiaColor (color): The color for the Asia session period on the chart (default: clrBeige).
EurBegin (string): The starting time of the Europe session (default: "09:00").
EurEnd (string): The ending time of the Europe session (default: "18:00").
EurColor (color): The color for the Europe session period on the chart (default: clrMistyRose).
USABegin (string): The starting time of the USA session (default: "15:00").
USAEnd (string): The ending time of the USA session (default: "23:00").
USAColor (color): The color for the USA session period on the chart (default: clrLightCyan).
ShowPrice (bool): Whether to show price labels during the session periods (default: false).
clFont (color): The font color for the displayed price labels (default: clrDimGray).
SizeFont (int): The font size for the price labels (default: 7).
showPanel (bool): A flag to control whether the information panels are displayed (default: true).

2. Panel Information
The indicator displays two information panels on the chart. The first panel shows rent indicator details, such as days and date of subscription. The second panel provides details such as:

Account balance
Free margin
Margin level
Open trade percentage
Total open lot size

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