Bollinger With Macd

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Bollinger With Macd

Bollinger With Macd

8/month. $

Rent price Plan

1 Monthly 8$
2 3 Months 21.6$ save 10% when use this plan
3 6 months 40.8$ save 15% when use this plan
4 12 months 76.8$ save 20% when use this plan

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Name: Bollinger With Macd

Type: Indicator

Platform: MT4

The Bollinger With MACD indicator calculates Bollinger Bands and displays trend information with various options for visualization and alerting. It uses a simple moving average (SMA) to calculate the middle band, and the upper and lower bands are derived by adding or subtracting the standard deviation multiplied by a deviation factor.

1. Input Parameters
BandsPeriod: Period for Bollinger Bands' moving average (default: 20).
Deviations: Standard deviations for the bands (default: 2.0).
FillUP: Color for the area above the middle band (default: C'40,0,40').
FillDW: Color for the area below the middle band (default: C'20,0,40').
UpperBandColor: Color for the upper band (default: Crimson).
MiddleBandColor: Color for the middle band (default: Gold).
LowerBandColor: Color for the lower band (default: RoyalBlue).
ShowLabels: Display labels for the bands (default: true).
LineWidthBands: Line width for Bollinger Bands (default: 2).
ShowInfo: Display information panel (default: true).

2. Panel Information
The indicator displays two information panels on the chart. The first panel shows rent indicator details, such as days and date of subscription. The second panel provides details such as:

Account balance
Free margin
Margin level
Open trade percentage
Total open lot size

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