Fibo Dashboard

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Fibo Dashboard

Fibo Dashboard

15/month. $

Rent price Plan

1 Monthly 15$
2 3 Months 40.5$ save 10% when use this plan
3 6 months 76.5$ save 15% when use this plan
4 12 months 144$ save 20% when use this plan

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Indicator MT4
* This MQL4 indicator allows users to rent or purchase the product. Users can choose between activating a subscription for a specific period (monthly, quarterly, or semi-annually) or purchasing the product for permanent use.

* This indicator calculates the Fibonacci levels for the last waves of each currency and determines the maximum and minimum high and low of the previous day, as well as whether they were broken on the new day or not. Then, it shows specific colors through the inputs that determine the Fibonacci levels and whether the price stopped at them or not.


Rental Service: Activate the product for a limited time period (1 month, 3 months, or 6 months) by purchasing an activation code.
Purchase Service: Acquire permanent access to the product through a one-time purchase, linkable to one or multiple accounts.
Account Binding: Both rental and purchase options can be linked to specific account numbers.
Subscription Tracking: The indicator tracks the remaining subscription time and prompts renewal alerts as the period ends (for rental).


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