Trade Education Course for Professionalism

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Trade Education Course for Professionalism

Trade Education Course for Professionalism

890 $

Content Lanaguage : Arabic

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Learn to trade and be a professional by studying fifty hours where you find the best content explained in the Arab world.

1. Financial market fundamentals
2. Financial market trading mechanisms
3. How to enter the money markets as an individual and as an institution
4. Explaining trading platforms and the difference between them
5. Study of baseline analysis
6. Study of technical analysis and its various schools
7. Classical analysis in detail
8. Supply and demand in detail
9. An explanation of Wykoff's theory and how to apply it
10. Harmonic and how to integrate and master it
11. Volume trading
12. Wolf Wave School
13. Description of indicators and tools for technical analysis

This course was prepared at the highest level of professionalism by a group of senior analysts across the Arab world

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