Weekly Fibo

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Weekly Fibo

Weekly Fibo

20 $

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Name : "Weekly Fibo"
Type Indicator MT5
Description :
The "Weekly Fibo" indicator provides traders with visual Fibonacci levels based on weekly price ranges. It offers functionality to control visibility and integrates with account information for better analysis. The activation mechanism ensures legitimate use, and the panel presents essential account details for informed decision-making.
Inputs :
inpPeriodsToDisplay: Number of weeks to display Fibonacci levels for.
inpLevelsuColor: Color for Fibonacci levels above the open price.
inpLevelsdColor: Color for Fibonacci levels below the open price.
inpLevels0Color: Color for the open price level.
inpLevel0Style: Style for the open price level line.
inpLevelsStyle: Style for other Fibonacci levels.
Panel Information:
Displays various account information when activated.Information includes account number, balance, equity, profit, free margin, margin level, and open trade percentage.Conclusion

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